What are the mandatory property diagnostics?

When properties are put up for sale or rent, they are subject to a number of control procedures: property diagnostics. These analyses help to verify the conformity of certain information deemed important. What is a property diagnosis?and what are the most important? Find out everything you need to know here!

What is a property diagnosis?

A diagnostic involves carrying out a technical inspection of the property you wish to put up for sale. This is compulsory, and is based on a study of a number of pre-established criteria. These include

  • Energy capacity;
  • The probability of explosion;
  • Condition of electrical and gas installations;
  • Natural hazards;
  • Technological risks;
  • The presence of termites.

Is property diagnosis compulsory?

On the face of it, yes, the diagnosis is an obligation. The diagnostics grouped together in a DDT (technical diagnostic file) are appended to the lease prior to the official sale or letting of a property. These analyses are carried out by professionally qualified diagnosticians.

They must also have independent status and be impartial towards both the owner and the estate agent.

What diagnostics are required for a sale?

The independent nature of a property diagnosis depends, in a general context, on various parameters relating to the premises being put up for sale. The following are some of the diagnostics that are mandatory when a property is put up for sale:

  • Loi carrez diagnosis: used to approve the surface area of the premises;
  • Electrical and gas diagnosis: checks whether electrical and gas installations are old or not;
  • Lead diagnostics: to check that homes are obsolete;
  • Termite diagnosis: a check required by a prefectoral decree;
  • Merule diagnosis: set by the prefecture;
  • ERP diagnosis: for homes located in at-risk areas. 

The rules for starting a diagnosis

Diagnosing a house or flat before it is sold is of the utmost importance, and needs to be organised well in advance. It is advisable to start very early, after drawing up a list of compulsory inspections. 

To carry out your DDT, you'll need to find a qualified and reliable diagnostician. The length of the analysis will depend on the surface area of the house and the number of diagnostics to be carried out.

It should be noted that the analysis must be carried out before the property in question is put up for sale or rent. What's more, it's a good idea to make the following available to potential buyersthe DDT"In order to demonstrate transparency and credibility.

Advantages of having a property diagnostic carried out

Thanks to the expertise of our diagnosticians, we can detect, for example, the presence of lead, termites or old electrical installations. Once these points have been identified, you have the opportunity to rectify the situation by repairing anything that could be repaired or renovating anything that is old. 

This means that the property you put up for sale will be brand new and ready to buy without any risk whatsoever. As for the quality and cost of the diagnosis, these vary from one company to another, depending on the service and the results provided by the diagnostician.

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