What are the alternatives to electric air conditioning?

When it comes to coping with the heat of summer, our first instinct is usually to install an electric air conditioning system. However, electric air conditioners consume a lot of energy and, with their high CO2 emissions, contribute to global warming.

Fortunately, there are more environmentally-friendly solutions that will allow you to survive the heatwave and keep your home cool without sending your energy bill soaring and without helping to speed up the melting of the Alaskan glaciers. Find out more here!

Installing bio-air conditioning: effective and inexpensive!

Bio-air conditioning or air cooling is increasingly used as an alternative to electric air conditioning. A bio-air conditioner works by passing hot air through a humidified filter that transforms it into cold air thanks to a water reservoir. The cold air is then blown into your home by the system's fan. 

The bio-air conditioner is also highly energy-efficient and easy to install.

Finding a way to block the heat: but how did we not think of this before?

The best way to combat the heat is to put in place strategies that prevent it from penetrating or stagnating in your home. There are several options for doing this.

-       Insulation from the inside or outside, roof and attic insulation.

-       Install shutters, blinds or sunshades over your windows, especially those facing south.

-       The use of plants and even the installation of green walls or roofs.

Solar air conditioning: an effective solution, but not cheap!

Solar air conditioning is all about cooling your home using solar energy. With this technique, you can still use your conventional air conditioner. You'll still be able to enjoy the performance of your conventional air conditioner without having to worry about running up your energy bill, as it will be powered by the photovoltaic panels you install.

But you'll have to pay for it. But it's an investment that will bring you incredible savings over the long term.

Use another electrical appliance: less power-hungry, we mean!

There are many other energy-efficient devices that can help you cool your home without using an air conditioner. 

-       The fan

-       The heat pump

-       The adiabatic cooler

-       Terrace misters

-       And many more. 

Install a Canadian well and benefit from geothermal energy!

The Canadian well uses the heat from the ground to regulate the temperature of the air that will be redistributed in your home. In this way, outside air is warmed and blown into your home in winter, while in summer it is cooled before being distributed. The system is easy to maintain and consumes very little electricity. 

It should be noted that when combined with controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV), the Canadian well can be much more efficient.

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