Dog and cat insurance: how does it work?

Many of us love our 4-legged companions. It has to be said that they bring us a great deal of happiness on a daily basis. So why not consider insuring them in the same way as health cover for humans? Here's everything you need to know about dog and cat insurance before thinking about taking out one for your pet.

What is dog and cat insurance for?

Do you have a dog or cat and want to put it in the best possible conditions? Pet insurance for dogs and cats is undoubtedly a very good idea. Specialists are in the habit of saying that dog and cat insurance is a bit like health insurance for humans, but adapted to animals. This is because pets, whether dogs or cats, need the same care as their owners. As a result, animals are not really safe from illness or even injury when playing outside. If you know that veterinary expenses can sometimes represent a hefty budget, especially in the event of an accident or unexpected injury, taking out dog or cat insurance can help you meet your pet's medical expenses.

What does dog and cat insurance cover?

It has to be said: the cover offered by the various pet insurance policies on the market is fairly similar. In fact, they all revolve around the following guarantees:

  • Sickness coverVet insurance: covers your pet if it falls ill, and in particular pays for vet visits, prescribed medicines and vaccinations.
  • Accident coverInsurance: which pays for any services that the injured animal may require (care, consultations, medical examinations, surgery, etc.).
  • Hospital coverThis covers the cost of hospitalisation and any surgery required to treat the animal.
  • Death guarantee funeral insurance: covers the cost of the pet's funeral, including burial.

It should be noted that some insurers offer cover for lost pets to help owners during the search.

In addition to medical cover, dog and cat insurance also includes third-party liability. The owner of a dog or cat is responsible for any damage caused by the animal. Under the French Civil Code, owners cannot hide behind the fact that they did not have custody of the animal to avoid responsibility for any damage it causes. With dog and cat insurance, you don't have to pay for this kind of situation.

What are the advantages of dog and cat insurance?

For many dog and cat owners, insurance is undoubtedly the last straw. An animal can live its whole life, but young animals, especially dogs, are never safe from infections or accidents during their youth. It should also be said that not all breeds of dogs and cats are equal when it comes to disease. Some breeds are more fragile than others.

Then, during the growth period, your dog or cat needs a good diet, regular check-ups and anti-parasite vaccinations. Although veterinary medicine has made great strides in recent years, the bill can still be very high. That's why you need good insurance to cover the many medical contingencies that can arise, so that your pet can grow up in the best possible conditions.

And don't forget that some offers or options include refunds on the purchase of anti-parasites, worming or vaccinations.

Tip: take out a policy as early as possible

Statistically, an accident can happen at any time. What's more, illness cannot be prevented, even if your dog or cat seems to be in good health. The best thing to do would be to insure your pet as early as possible, especially as the older it gets, the greater the health risks. Today, 5% of French people have already taken out pet health insurance, but this is voluntary and not compulsory.

Cover for life?

The special feature of dog and cat insurance is that it offers cover for life, with no break in the contract. What's more, the contract runs for the duration of the policy, both in France and when travelling abroad. It should be said, however, that you are free to choose your vet, including in an emergency or at home. In addition, access to certain specialisations or practices, as long as they are carried out by a vet, may be reimbursed. These include homeopathy, osteopathy, hydrotherapy, etc. Finally, for maximum protection, it's best to opt for a policy that covers both accidents and illnesses.

How do I take out dog and cat insurance?

To choose from the range of products available, it is important to offer several types of package. However, there are generally 3 types:

  • Basic formulasThese cover the costs associated with your pet's major health problems. What's more, they're much more affordable, as they only reimburse major expenses.
  • Intermediate formulaswhich includes benign illnesses.
  • Premium packageswhich reimburses preventive costs such as annual check-ups, vaccinations and anti-parasite products.

Please note that it is important to find out the conditions of admission for each insurer.

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