Roofs are exposed to the vagaries of the weather, wind, rain, sun and so on. These can gradually degrade the roof of your home, leading to leaks and the appearance of mould. Good thermal insulation is one way of ensuring that your roof lasts. So what are the possible solutions for insulating your roof properly? We discuss them here!
Why is roof treatment important?
A roof in good condition guarantees better protection for your home. Roofs protect your home from damp, cold, wind and sun. Without proper treatment, the roof becomes brittle and fails to perform its role properly. That's why it's important to maintain your roof regularly, so that it stays strong and watertight in the face of the vagaries of time.
What are the different roof treatments available?
There are a number of ways to keep your roofs in good working order. From anti-foam treatment to mineralizing treatment and the application of water repellent, roof maintenance requires a few preliminary steps. This is essential if you want lasting results.
Treatment using the sanitisation method
It's a good idea to have your roofs thoroughly cleaned or defoamed on a regular basis. These procedures are designed to eliminate the lichen and moss that grow on roofs. Roofs can be cleaned mechanically or decontaminated with suitable products.
This involves applying class 2 biocides, which completely eliminate bacteria and other harmful micro-organisms. This method of treatment is effective over time, protecting the roof and slowing down the growth of mould.
Water repellent treatment
Applying water repellent strengthens the roof and prevents new fungi and lichens from appearing. This treatment ensures that the roof is waterproof and highly resistant to the elements.
Thanks to water repellent, rainwater runs off the roof, draining away any unwanted dirt along the way. Water will not be able to seep into the house, as the method hardens the roofing. What's more, once applied, the water repellent will remain active for many years.
Tile reinforcement treatment
You can also renovate your roof using mineralising products. These play an active role in strengthening roofs. Generally speaking, hardeners are used to achieve greater mechanical strength. This treatment also increases the roof's resistance to water and frost. Without affecting their gas permeability.
Roof and framework
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