Insurance / Car and motorbike insurance / Death insurance / Professional equipment insurance / Home insurance / Company mutual insurance / Health mutual insurance / Civil liability / Financial services
Rue Le Dantec Dakar X Pierre Millon BP: 2623, DAKAR
Company information

A.S.S : Your Trusted Insurance Company in Senegal

Since 1984, A.S.S (Assurances la Sécurité Sénégalaise) has established itself as a leading insurance company 100 % in Senegal. With a fully paid-up capital of FCFA 4,100,000,000, A.S.S is recognised for its expertise, professionalism and commitment to its customers and the community. Choosing A.S.S means opting for security, experience and trust at the heart of the insurance sector.

A Versatile and Innovative Insurance Company

Thanks to its specialisation in P&C insurance (Fire, Accident, Miscellaneous Risks, Transport), A.S.S offers solutions for insurance for individuals and businesses. Whether it's insurance against fire, various risks or transport accidents, each policy is designed to offer optimum protection. By adopting a multi-faceted approach, A.S.S adapts to the specific features of the Senegalese market while anticipating its customers' needs.

Compliance and Transparency: Values at the Heart of Our Insurance Company

A.S.S is fully committed to complying with the CIMA code (Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés d'Assurances). This rigorous legal framework guarantees transparency and security for policyholders, reinforcing the credibility of our company. insurance company. Our compliance with CIMA standards demonstrates our commitment to adopting responsible management practices, for a lasting relationship of trust with our customers.

A major economic player in Senegal

As a insurance company A.S.S. contributes to Senegal's economic development by helping companies and individuals to manage their risks. Our insurance policies help to stabilise economic activities, bringing resilience and security to players in the Senegalese market.. A.S.S. is a key player in economic and social security in Senegal.

An experienced team at the service of policyholders

A.S.S brings together a team of experts who are passionate about insurance and entirely dedicated to customer satisfaction. Every professional in our insurance company is trained to offer personalised advice, understand the specific needs of policyholders and propose appropriate solutions. Thanks to this skilled team, A.S.S maintains solid relationships of trust and guarantees optimum satisfaction.

Personalised Insurance Services

At A.S.S, every customer is at the centre of our approach. We understand that every situation is unique, which is why our insurance company develops personalised solutions that meet the needs and expectations of each individual. A.S.S is committed to providing high-quality support at every stage of the customer journey, from underwriting and contract management to claims handling.

Why choose A.S.S?

Opting for A.S.S. means choosing a insurance company recognised for its reliability, its in-depth knowledge of the local market and its commitment to offering high-quality insurance services. By providing security for property, business activities or personal projects, A.S.S guarantees its customers peace of mind thanks to solid guarantees and personalised support. Join A.S.S, the insurance company the embodiment of trust and excellence in Senegal.

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