Solar panel support: 8 grants to discover in 2022

More and more businesses and individuals are starting to use solar panels to meet their energy needs. To encourage them to do so, the government has introduced a number of schemes to help them finance their energy-saving projects, particularly those involving the installation of solar panels. Here are 8 grants you can claim in 2022!

The self-consumption bonus

When you opt for self-consumption, the electricity produced by your photovoltaic cells is used directly by the household. To support this initiative, the government has created a photovoltaic investment allowance that is spread over the first five years of operation.

The amount varies between 80 and 380 euros, depending on the capacity (in kWC) of the installations. However, to qualify for this aid, a number of conditions must be met, such as using a professional who is a recognised environmental guarantor (RGE) and reselling surplus production.

The obligation to buy

Under the feed-in tariff, the surplus electricity produced is sold to a buyer at a price set by law. A twenty-year contract representing an asset is signed as soon as the photovoltaic installation is connected. 

The feed-in tariff varies depending on whether you are in self-consumption with resale of the surplus or in full resale. The cost also depends on the quantity of electricity sold.

Reduced-rate VAT

Reduced-rate VAT is designed to make it easier to buy and install solar panels. For a photovoltaic installation intended for personal consumption and connected to the electricity grid with an output of 3 kWC or less, a reduced VAT rate of 10 % applies. This VAT is reduced to 5.5 % for thermal panels.

The zero-rate eco-loan

The zero-rate eco-loan (PTZ) is a subsidy for individuals carrying out energy renovation work on their main residence. This loan can range from 7000 à 30000, depending on the work to be carried out by the RGE craftsman. Once you have budgeted for your renovation project, you can apply to one of the banks that have signed this agreement with the government.

MaPrimeRénov '

This is an allowance paid directly into your account. It is usually paid when the solar panel installation work is complete. It replaces the CITE.

To qualify, your solar panels must be either thermal or hybrid. The amount of the grant, determined by the relevant authorities on the basis of the scale of your project, is generally known in advance. 

MaPrimeRénov' Sérénité

This is a grant awarded to low-income households to encourage them to carry out energy renovation work. To qualify, the energy saving achieved by the RGE professional must be at least 35 %. Depending on your income, the amount received can cover up to 50 % of the total cost of your project.

Energy bonus

The energy cheque is used to finance insulation work in primary or secondary residences. The amount varies according to household income. If you are connected to a heating network powered by renewable energy, you can receive between 450 and 700 euros. Modest households may receive slightly more.

Local support for solar installations

Some local authorities award grants to low-income households for photovoltaic installation projects. The amount of aid depends on the type of work involved and the total cost. So don't hesitate to contact your local authority or co-ownership association to find out about the offers available.

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