Activities and expertise of landscape contractors

The landscaping sector brings together several categories of professionals. These can be grouped into landscape companies that can carry out a wide range of activities to meet the needs of private individuals or local authorities. Wondering what types of services these organisations provide and what their expertise is? We explain everything you need to know about landscape contractors in this article!

Design and development of outdoor spaces

Landscape contractors offer a wide range of services. These include the design and layout of gardens and green spaces. This task can involve all the professionals in the field, from landscape architects, who design the plans and monitor the work, to gardeners, who turn your ideas into reality.

 Landscape contractors have the skills and expertise to advise and support you as you carry out your landscaping project. Among other things, they can:

-         carry out a soil survey ;

-         design a production plan ;

-         Determine which plants are best suited to the soil on your land;

-         supervise the work.

Landscape maintenance

Once your garden has been designed, it needs to be maintained and looked after. Landscape companies can provide you with landscape professionals to carry out tasks such as :

-         tree planting or even reforestation;

-         watering plants ;

-         Felling or displaying trees ;

-         maintenance of pathways and flower beds ;

-         weed control and treatment ;

-         lawn mowing, ...

Creation of water points

Another activity and field of expertise of landscape companies is the creation of water basins, swimming pools, fountains and other water features. They generally have plant professionals, but also mineral professionals. They can manage the design, development and maintenance of your water features.

These may be natural water features or decorative ponds. In the first case, you will need to call on a company belonging to the Union Nationale des Entreprises du Paysage, the only organisation recognised by the public authorities, which will be better placed to carry out your project. They will be able to carry out a study to check the feasibility of the project and whether or not biodiversity can be preserved despite the planned changes.

Ecological and plant engineering

Landscape companies can also put plant and ecological engineers at your service.

An ecological engineer is a naturalist expert capable of carrying out studies and analyses on the ecological impact of a project. They are specialists in natural ecosystems created from scratch. They will be indispensable in ensuring that your project complies with the rules laid down for preserving the environment.

A plant engineer is an expert in agronomic design. They are also plant specialists. They will be able to determine the best plants to incorporate into your project.

These professionals can intervene at various stages in the design of a garden or green space to ensure that the operation runs smoothly.

Creating gardens and green spaces

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