Financial assistance for energy renovation

Energy renovation is increasingly being encouraged by the public authorities and certain organisations working to combat fuel poverty. This is because the work involved can reduce the energy consumption of individual homes by more than 30%, helping us to make progress in our energy transition.

Would you like to take the plunge and start energy renovation work on your home? Find out here about all the financial grants you can claim to reduce the cost of your work!

Energy renovation: what are we talking about?

Energy renovation is a set of works designed to improve a building's energy performance and reduce its energy consumption. The task covers several types of work:

  •         Insulation
  •         Ventilation
  •         Heating

What financial assistance is available?

If the scale of the renovation work to be carried out in your home is putting you off, you'll be pleased to know that you can carry out your renovation work at a lower cost. This is thanks to the support programmes that you can obtain from the local or national authorities and from certain organisations.


It replaces the aid schemes offered by the Agence Nationale de l'Habitat (Anah) and the Crédit d'Impôt pour la Transition Économique (CITE). It has been stepped up since October 2020 and applies to all owners and co-owners of homes built at least 2 years ago.

The amount of the grant is a flat-rate amount based on household income and the nature of the work to be carried out. There may also be some bonuses, depending on the condition of the home before the work is carried out. However, the work must be carried out by RGE-certified companies.

The zero-rate eco-loan

The eco-PTZ is a loan that can be granted by a bank that has signed an agreement with the government. The aim is to help you finance your energy renovation work. It is an interest-free advance.

To qualify for the grant, you will need to meet certain eligibility conditions and have an estimate drawn up by an RGE expert.

The repayment period is very broad, and can be up to 20 years under certain conditions. It is also possible to combine two eco-PTZs if you already have one in progress.

Aid from energy supply companies (CEE)

Some energy supply companies offer grants for energy renovation work to reduce your energy consumption. Assistance from these organisations may take the form of :

  • premiums ;
  • diagnostics and advice ;
  • contact with a qualified network of energy renovation professionals;
  • loans at revised rates, ...

5.5% VAT %

Instead of the standard rate of 20%, you can benefit from a reduced rate of 5.5% when you plan to carry out energy renovation work. This reduction can be applied to expenditure on :

  •         thermal insulation work;
  •         the acquisition of energy production equipment using a renewable energy source;
  •         energy-saving initiatives.

As with the previous schemes, you will need to meet certain conditions to be eligible for the reduction.

Energy cheque

The energy cheque is a government grant to help pay energy bills. However, this grant can also be used to carry out energy renovation work to help you reduce your energy consumption.

Eligible households are designated directly by the public authorities.

You can also ask your local authorities about any local, departmental or regional grants you may be eligible for.

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