How do photovoltaic panels work?

Renewable energies are at the heart of the world's new environmental challenges. For this reason, and also to make significant savings on fossil fuels, humanity is increasingly turning to solar energy. Solar energy is undergoing a number of transformations, even though not everyone is familiar with how it works. Wondering how photovoltaic panels work? We explain in this article!

Solar energy: how it works?

Solar energy is obtained by capturing and transforming the sun's rays. To use the system, several modules are arranged together to capture and then transfer the energy into the electrical circuit of a house, for example. The system is capable of operating autonomously, but can also be combined with a conventional energy source (generator or local supplier).

Capturing energy

To capture the sun's rays and convert the photons into electricity, the system uses photovoltaic panels. They look like large rectangles covered with a special surface. These are silicon cells whose role is to capture the photons.

The semi-conductors transmit the energy of the photons to the electrons in the panels. When the electrons move, a circuit is created that allows an electric current to flow. This energy is not yet directly usable in a conventional electrical circuit (home or business).

There are different panel sizes depending on requirements and the amount of energy that can be converted per period (generally one hour). The larger the panel, the greater its capacity to capture sunlight and therefore photons.

Making energy useable

The system uses inverters to transform the direct current from the photovoltaic panels into alternating current. Household appliances generally only work with this type of current.

Once created, if not used, alternating current can be stored for later use. A number of batteries, specially designed for this purpose, make it possible to store a certain amount of energy. In order to determine the amount of energy needed for an installation, an assessment of the circuit must be carried out.

Who can install photovoltaic panels?

To power a few light bulbs or charge small appliances (mobile phones, for example), you can install simple systems yourself. However, when you need to power a television or a dishwasher, you need to call in a professional.

In order to calculate an estimate of your needs, he will take stock of the existing installation before proposing possible solutions. This stage is vital to avoid unpleasant surprises. A small energy fault can affect the whole system in your home.

Once the site has been assessed, the panels, batteries and wired circuits will be installed. The right configuration of your energy network will protect you from any inconvenience and save you money in the long run.

How much does it cost to install solar panels??

The main factor influencing the cost is the amount of energy to be supplied to the grid. The more energy-intensive the building, the greater the investment required. An alternative way of keeping costs down is to place some appliances on solar power and the rest on the usual supplier. The price of a photovoltaic panel varies between 3 and 4 euros per watt-peak. An entire installation can cost up to 12000 on average. 

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